
GPX Fixer.

For runners and cyclists who also happen to be data freaks and builders, a GPS tracker is a must have tool. Sometimes things go wrong, so I built a tool that helps fix messed up GPX files...


Bike Price Guide.

I've spent some recent spare time putting together a Bike Price Guide web app. I use the eBay API to scrape listings, then serve the completed listings in a searchable UI...


How this blog is served.

I'll admit the cart came a bit before the horse on this blog. I signed up for my first Digital Ocean Droplet a few days before the first post. My intention was (and still is!) to use it as a playground to run and host hobby projects. What else is there to do for a first project on a new (and currently my only) VM, other than a blog? Here's a rundown of what I'm using of what I'm using to serve this blog...


Top albums of 2020.

I listen to a lot of music, always have. At some point in 2019, I started a Google Doc to capture quick reviews and my thoughts on new-to-me albums. This became a positive feedback loop as I found myself actively seeking albums I hadn't listened to yet. In 2020, I listened to 230 albums that were new to me. 70 of those were released 2020...


Hey, another blog by some guy on the internet.

Welcome to my blog! I'm not too sure what I'm going to put here, other than that I consider this a bit of a playground...
